About Us
History of the Chaguanas Chamber
The Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIC) was established in 1994 and incorporated in September of 1998.
To position CCIC as a "one stop shop" of commercial services for our membership by creating strategic and conduit alliances with Government and NGOs.
To create an efficient business environment to enhance prosperity and commercial success by proactively partnering with governmental and community entities to ensure a powerful and productive economy and continuously add value towards a higher quality of life for our membership.
Excellence: we will deliver programs, services and products of the highest quality that meet the expectations of our members.
Focus: we will focus on the needs of our members and find ways to provide programs, services and benefits that are cost-effective, beneficial, and convenient.
Community: we will remain committed to improving the quality of life of residents in Chaguanas by promoting initiatives that create a vibrant community. We will build and enhance relationships and public and private partnerships within the organization and community.
Respect: we will respect the diversity of ideas, people businesses as strengths to be sought and utilized in the Chamber.
Integrity: we will be open, candid, and fair, honor our commitments and adhere to high ethical standards and objectives.
Leadership: we will be visionary and future-oriented, respectful of our history and commitments, in our thinking, decision-making and programming.
Technology: we will foster use of new technologies, delivering programs, services, and opportunities for the progression of our membership.
How We're Helping
The Chaguanas Chamber of Commerce is comprised of businesses and professionals, joining forces to be the voice of the central business community. We offer programs and benefits for the membership to address business needs and interests, with a mission to assist members to connect and to create a vibrant economy across all sectors.
The CCIC is committed to promote, develop and further the well-being of our members. We advocate to represent and protect members’ interests. In this regard, we have carefully analyzed and selected four (4) critical areas affecting businesses and have prudently selected from amongst our membership providers for these essential services. These services are meant to assist you to mitigate the changing legal landscapes which include the FIU and accounting for your wealth, in addition to the following
Services Offered To Members
• Liaison with Government departments, local and international economic organizations and Embassies/ High Commissions.
• Lobbying for members on matters relating to Government policy and regulation
• Financial Services- Madan Ramnarine & Co
• Marketing Services – Paradox Studios TT
• HR/IR Services – HR Technologies Ltd
• Insurance Services – Millennium Insurance Brokers
• Professional growth through development and implementation of educational sessions
• Dissemination of resourceful information
• Development of avenues for business opportunities e.g.: Partner with NIDCO, financial institutions (small loans)
• Providing basic advice on financing, marketing and international trade
• Assistance in developing joint venture projects
• Providing access to a wide cross- section of the business community in Chaguanas
• Provide the opportunity to host seminars, workshops on Business, trade and social issues
• Providing basic advice on financing, marketing and international trade
• Exposure and promotion of Members’ products and services
• Meeting of members with a foreign trade mission
• Disseminate information on local and international business developments and opportunities via communication e.g. Website, Quarterly Newsletter, Memo’s etc
C.C.I.C. Representing the Borough of Chaguanas:
Chaguanas began as an impoverished rural village and its industrious residents came from very humble beginnings and with tremendous sacrifices, hard work, determination, over a long period of time, slowly developed Chaguanas to become what it is todayChaguanas is the fastest growing, vibrant, commercial capital of the English-speaking Caribbean which comprises of a population of approximately (83,516 at the 2011 census, including approximately (10, 000) businesses, both small and micro-enterprises. We can certainly boast of a community, rich in culture and diversity. The spirit of excellence and industriousness permeates Chaguanas, of which you are part and together we continue to strive for the greatness of our community and country.

Main objectives of the C.C.I.C. are:
- To facilitate the growth and development of businesses in Chaguanas and in the country as a whole
- To advance the trading, commercial, industrial, professional, agricultural and civic interests of Chaguanas
- To collect and disseminate to members and the public information relating to trade, commerce, industry agriculture and manufacturing and related interests
- To stimulate, promote and influence industrial development in Chaguanas
- Promoting the Image of the Private Sector
Board Of Directors
The main focus of the C.C.I.C. is to represent Chaguanas businessmen on both local and national issues. Whilst this remains the Chamber’s core function, its activities have been expanded by the current Board of Directors to include other areas on interest affecting C.C.I.C. members

Excellence: we will deliver programs, services and products of the highest quality that meet the expectations of our members.
Focus: we will focus on the needs of our members and find ways to provide programs, services and benefits that are cost-effective, beneficial, and convenient.
Community: we will remain committed to improving the quality of life of residents in Chaguanas by promoting initiatives that create a vibrant community. We will build and enhance relationships and public and private partnerships within the organization and community.
Respect: we will respect the diversity of ideas, people businesses as strengths to be sought and utilized in the Chamber.
Integrity: we will be open, candid, and fair, honor our commitments and adhere to high ethical standards and objectives.
Leadership: we will be visionary and future-oriented, respectful of our history and commitments, in our thinking, decision-making and programming.
Technology: we will foster use of new technologies, delivering programs, services, and opportunities for the progression of our membership.